“Scare Tactics” was the first hidden camera prank show to use horror as its medium for set ups. It aired for six seasons, with one three year hiatus, on SyFy from 2003 to 2013 and was hosted by Shannon Doherty, Stephen Baldwin, and Tracy Morgan.
“Scare Tactics puts victims into terrifying situations, usually involving movie-style special effects and makeup that recreates horror movie clichés. The victims, generally four per episode, are set up by friends/family in tandem with producers. The victims on the show are lured to a location, either invited there by people they know (who were in on the act), or reporting for what they thought was a new job. Soon they would experience some kind of terrifying scene—like a strange monster, an alien encounter, a terrible accident, or a violent crime being committed—all of which was staged while the victim was secretly being recorded.”
While there has been some instances where fans claimed that the set ups were fake and the victims knew what was happening the whole time, you can’t deny that the show was at least good for producing short horror films through their skits and for some much needed comedic value.
Check out some of the set ups below! The first s a classic.