
Review: Gnome Alone


Last night I was browsing Amazon Instant Video and having a tough night with my viewing selection. Almost every title in its catalog is either a found footage feature or has a summary that starts with, “paranormal investigators enter a location and…” I decided that the first film I found that didn’t fit into those two categories would be my movie of the night. Then I stumbled upon Gnome Alone. Yeah…

Gnome Alone is written by John Michael Elfers and directed by Timothy Woodward Jr.. Cast members include Verne Troyer (Austin Powers, Pinocchio’s Revenge), Kerry Knuppe (Voodoo Possession, The Craigslist Killer), Marlon Young (“Family Matters,” “Hard Times of RJ Berger”), Ross Bagley (“Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” Independence Day), Willow Hale (The Trojan Woman, Devil Girl), Erik Aude (“Bold and the Beautiful,” Halfway to Hell), Kinley Farrow, Josh Berger, Jolyne Lowery, and Andrew Olsen. Gnome Alone also features a cameo appearance from Bill Oberst Jr..

“Just when Zoe thinks she’s all alone in this world, an old woman passes on her bewitched Gnome (Verne Troyer), who is bound by magic to protect his master. Zoe quickly realizes that he isn’t your garden variety gnome, when he begins eliminating her enemies in extravagant displays of revenge. Zoe must find a way to stop this mischievous gnome, before Zoe and her friends become victims of his trickery.”

Obviously Gnome Alone is a play on words with Home Alone, but this specific title has nothing to do with the other. Honestly, I was expecting a movie with a severely lowered production value given the description of the movie. What I found, though, is actually a pretty high quality movie that looks like it could have fit in at the movie theater. It’s got to have a budget of at least two million dollars. It’s got a lot of mansions and modern locations, and a lot of excellent camera work. So, at least there’s that. Gnome Alone is very professional looking. And, I think it will appeal to men ages 18-24 who are in college because of all the subtle lesbian scenes, boob shots, wearing, and toiler humor.


The only thing that harms Gnome Alone, kept it out of theaters, and will keep it from making back its budget is the absurd plot…and the Gnome itself. The plot of this movie is ridiculous and is basically random killings while the lead actress unknowingly curses her friends. There’s not a lot else to say about it. In a world where Leprechaun (1993) is the king of all leprechaun and gnome movies, something like Gnome Alone just can’t compare. It never even gets close to the same level. And, Verne Troyer is absolutely dreadful as an actor. The “eee” and “ooo” he gave his fans in Austin Powers was enough for his abilities. When he speaks in Gnome Alone, it’s horrible…just horrible. At least the special effects make-up job on him is great.

The casting is interesting here because it’s got a few noteworthy appearances. Mostly Marlon Young and Ross Bagley, they played younger iconic characters on “Family Matters” and “Fresh Prince” so it’s really cool to see where they ended up in our current cycle of entertainers. As far as characters go, I kind of didn’t give a shit about anyone except Celina (played by Kinley Farrow) and they never even used her to her full potential! The lead, Kerry Knupple, did a good job and there’s not really anyone left worth mentioning besides Josh Berger and Erik Aude.

Just because you have a fantastic looking movie with professional camera work and audio doesn’t mean you have a great movie, especially when every other aspect is just barely adequate. I really wish the script could have been re-written with a more suspenseful horror vibe and the cast members and characters juggled around a bit to let the stars shine better. I’m giving Gnome Alone a 4 out of 10. Skip…

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)