
(Closed) LAST CHANCE, CONTEST ENDS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT – Win a signed copy of ‘Compound Fracture’ on DVD Plus a Holiday Horror Pack!

Level 33 Horror Society Contest

Happy Horrordays everybody! Tis the season to be scary. Now that we’re officially in month of Dismember, we have a very special holiday horror giveaway for you fine fiends.

Horror Society is partnering up with Level 33 Entertainment to giveaway a signed DVD copy of Compound Fracture, which is autographed by star Tyler Mane (Rob Zombie’s Halloween) and Renae Geerlings (Halloween II). But wait, that’s not all…along with the Compound Fracture signed DVD, you will also get a Holiday DVD Horror Pack which consists of A Cadaver Christmas, Vamp U and The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger.

All you have to do to win is answer this question correctly…Who directed the 1974 holiday slasher classic, Black Christmas and what other holiday classic would he go on to write and direct???

Email your answers to:

There will be 2 prize pack winners chosen at random by me from the correct answers.

The contest will run from December 1 at 12:o1 am (CST) to December 14th at 11:59 pm Central Standard Time.

Compound Fracture stars Tyler Mane, Muse Watson, Derek Mears, Renae Geerlings, Leslie Easterbrook, Daniel Roebuck, Todd Farmer, Alex Saxon, Jelly Howie, Susan Angelo

Plot Synopsis

After the gruesome death of his sister’s husband, Michael Wolffson (Tyler Mane – Rob Zombie’s Halloween) returns home with his fiancée and his recently orphaned nephew to take care of his father Gary (Muse Watson). Gary has changed much since the last time Michael saw him: he’s become extremely paranoid that a supernatural force is out to get him and is obsessed with making his home an unassailable compound. While Michael and his family initially believe that Gary is suffering from symptoms of dementia, they soon discover that Gary has a reason to be scared. Something truly evil is lurking outside the house and it won’t stop until it kills off every last member of the Wolffsen family.

Watch the trailer here,

Compount Fracture dvd

Michael Juvinall

I am a Horror journalist, producer, ravenous Horror fiend, aficionado of the classic Universal Monsters, Hammer Horror, Werewolves, and all things Horror.