Well da Jessup clan has gone an’ dun it again! Dey lied, dey said dey was gonna come up with 4 new Rag designs by dis week…Well, dey didn’t, dey came up with 8!

If ya wanna check out all 12 “HILLBILLY BUTCHER” Rags, just click on dis here link:
First up, is Carl Henry’s LAW tee
Ole Carl Henry only had 2 rules, #1 “The LAW ends at Ma property line” & #2, “No huntin’
on ma property” Well, i heard tell he had a 3rd rule but ya got to watch da “Legend of the
HILLBILLY BUTCHER ta find dat one out:
Den we got Carl’s GRADE “A” Meat GRINDHOUSE tee
Ders nuttin’ Ole Carl luvs better den GRADE “A” Meat, and dis here’s da GRADE “A” honest ta GOD real deal, ain’t no one serve’s up a better cut a meat den da Jessup’s. Git it while it’s HOT:
Den der’s Carl’s GAMEY Meat GRINDHOUSE tee
Now y’all know Carl hates GAMEY Meat! But dis little gal was so perty, she woulda cooked up REAL GOOD, an’ tasted SWEET, DAMN SHAME, y’all know what else is a DAMN SHAME, if ya didn’t buy dis un here shirt:
Next up is Carl Henry’s SHINE tee
Next ta servin’ up long pig, ain’t nuttin’ BETTER fer a Jessup den SHINE, Mama an’ Papa Jessup found dis un here foto of Ole Carl an’ his half sister, Rae Lynn, somewhere out in da backwoods in all der Hillbilly Glory:
Den we got da Jessup Family Shine Company LEGEND tee
Dis is how it all started, Granpa Jessup got his start in da SHINE bidness, an’ dis here is da “original” advert, Papa Jessup started da Butcher Shop, an’ Ole Carl Henry was involved wit both a dem bidnesses:
Den da “What Happened To This Country?” tee
Dats what Ole Carl an’ his family been wonderin’ bout since dey can remember. Da Jessup family can’t GARONTEE dat by buyin’ dis here shirt y’all er gonna change anythin’, but ya just might feel a little better bout where dis country’s headed:
Den we got Papa Jessup’s “Welcome to HELL, Boy!” tee
Papa Jessup could go from mellow to hopped up on bat shit CRAZY in no time, well here he is in all his PSYCHO HILLBILLY Glory, git it while ya can, dunno how long dis spell will last:
And last, but definitely not least, Rae Lynn’s “Ahhh HELL!” tee
“Who’s been messin’ wit ma meat?” “Carl, I ain’t touched yer meat!” “Well den who did, …it’s ALL GONE!” “I dunno” “Ahhh HELL!”:
Look fer 4 new designs next week, as well as the “Welcome to HELL” video dat y’all was promised last week, ohh an’ iffin’ ya wanna buy da film go here:
See y’all HILLBILLIES next week!
Carl Henry Jessup
Post Submitted by: Joaquin M.
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