I am so glad there is a resurgence of Sasquatchploitation films right now, I just can’t get enough of the cryptid creature. We have a brand new trailer for Lionsgate’s Bigfoot thriller Exists, from director Eduardo Sanchez (The Blair Witch Project) for you to check out. The film will be hitting select theaters and VOD this October. Get all the details below.

Look for Exists in select theaters and VOD on October 24th, 2014!
The film is written by Jamie Nash and is directed by Eduardo Sánchez. It stars Dora Madison Burge, Brian Steele, Samuel Davis, Denise Williamson, Roger Edwards, and Chris Osborn.
Plot Synopsis
For five friends, it was a chance for a summer getaway- a weekend of camping in the Texas Big Thicket. But visions of a carefree vacation are shattered with an accident on a dark and desolate country road. In the wake of the accident, a bloodcurdling force of nature is unleashed-something not exactly human, but not completely animal- an urban legend come to terrifying life…and seeking murderous revenge.
Watch the trailer for Exists here,