The upcoming gothic horror film Lake Eerie directed by Chris Majors, which as an impressive cast staring in it, including horror legend Lance Henrisken is set to invade the House of Blues, as L.A. based Goth-Metal rock band Le Reverie takes the stage, playing their theme song “The Dream” off the sound track of Lake Eerie.
You can check out the details below.
Acclaimed award-winning L.A. Goth-Metal rock band Le Reverie presents an exclusive concert and after-party for the cast and crew of upcoming motion picture “Lake Eerie” at the famed House of Blues Sunset Strip, 8430 Sunset Blvd., Thursday, August 28. Red Carpet 7 p.m.; Le Reverie performs at 8 p.m. $10. Purchase tickets at (limited and will sell out fast). Additional bands perform that evening.
“Le Reverie is honored to have our song “The Dream” featured as the theme song for the upcoming Gothic Horror Film Lake Eerie,” says front person, Allie Jorgen. “It has been great working with the film’s Director, Chris Majors, and Producer/Writer, Meredith Majors, to make “The Dream” the theme song for Lake Eerie. The cast and crew of Lake Eerie are all awesome people and we are excited to be part of this great project. We can’t wait to meet everyone at the Lake Eerie Cast and Crew Party at the House of Blues on Thursday, August 28, and play our song LIVE for all of Team Eerie!
“We are absolutely in awe at our team of artists, who collaborated on Lake Eerie, and Le Reverie is the icing on the cake with their amazing song “The Dream,” chosen as our theme music for Lake Eerie’s scary story line of what lies in the darkness,” said Meredith Majors, Lake Eerie’s Producer and Writer.
Horrorhound Weekend Film Fest has just announced “Lake Eerie” along with Le Reverie’s theme song “The Dream” as an Official Selection, taking place September 5-7. More at