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The Comic Crypt: Simon Bisley’s ’13 Coins’ #3 Preview!

13 Coins #3

13 Coins #3

13 COINS is the story of John Pozner, a tormented ex-con on a quest for vengeance, when he discovers that he is descended from angels, and is the living key to Earth’s future, or Heaven’s fall.


Writers: Martin Brennan & Michael B. Jackson
Artist: Simon Bisley
Colors: Ryan Brown
Letters: David Withers

13 Coins #3 hits comic stores on December 3, 2014

Plot Synopsis


From Eisner Award-winning artist Simon Bisley – legendary artist of Batman/Judge Dredd: Judgement on Gotham and Lobo – comes a new series that finds Heaven and Hell at war in an angelic battle over the fate of Mankind.

Whether he likes it or not, troubled soul John Pozner is humanity’s only salvation against the approaching Armageddon. But with the final battle at hand and his training only just beginning, the gravity of John’s apocalyptic destiny is only now beginning to dawn.

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Michael Juvinall

I am a Horror journalist, producer, ravenous Horror fiend, aficionado of the classic Universal Monsters, Hammer Horror, Werewolves, and all things Horror.