Director – Billy Pon (Circus of the Dead)
Starring – Sergio Gracida (Circus of the Dead), Jed Duesler (Earthling), and Venus Monique (Open When Johnny Can Read)
Release Date – 2010
Rating – 3.5/5
Tagline – “He has the heart of a child…in a jar next to his bed”
When it comes to indie horror the only real advertising the film receives is by word of mouth. This is a cheap and effective way to get the word out about your film. Sadly, not everyone has the same taste in films. A few years back multiple horror forums I was apart of was in an uproar over the short film Doll Boy.
The short was praised highly but I never had the desire to watch it because I thought it would never live up to the hype it was receiving. I also thought the title was a little on the lame side so I just ignore it and brushed it off. A few weeks back I became friends with Billy Pon on Facebook and he was nice enough to send me a link to his short along with a screener for his new flick Circus of the Dead. Thanks Billy for that!
**Spoiler Alert**The film follows a group of people who are trapped in a decrepit building. The group is confused and frantically search for a way out. However, they are not alone. A large man wearing the face of a doll is stalking them and murdering them one by one in the most brutal ways.**Spoiler Alert**
When I heard of the short I assumed it was a film with a stupid title that probably involved a shitload of torture. After watching the short after Billy sent it to me I have to admit that I feel like a fucking fool for putting off watching this for so fucking long. This short was nothing like I expected. I have to admit that, rather any fan wants to admit it or not, but the film is actually a textbook example of the perfect slasher.
The acting in this one is solid by the entire cast. Some members made their characters so believable while others were able to pull out the viewer’s emotions which is rare in the indie scene. They really gave this short their all and it shows. The story for this one is nothing new nor is it something that is told in a new light. With that being said, the killer is genuine which made the film really fun. It actually reminded me of a more darker and brutal version of Jacob.
Finally, the film does have some brutal, yet simple, kills that have decent special effects. The kills are nothing crazy or over the top but they were bloody. Overall, Doll Boy is a short slasher that definitely delivers. Check this short out because you will not be disappointed.