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Elm Street’s Langenkamp, filmmaker Stever & stylist King chronicle first ever ‘Freddy-Cut Auction’ for ‘Scares That Care’


Elm Street’s Langenkamp, filmmaker Stever & stylist King chronicle first ever ‘Freddy-Cut Auction’ for ‘Scares That Care’

June 27, 28 & 29th 2014 marked the maiden voyage of the first full scale ‘Scares That Care’ film festival & convention in Williamsburg, Va.  It harbored a veritable bloodbath of celebs, costumes, horror happenings and a precedent setting agenda that’s taking the festival/con circuit by storm.  To date, ‘Scares That Care’ is the only horror film festival/con that is donating huge percentages of their proceeds to some very legit, worthy charities.

Enter one iconic horror luminary, Heather Langenkamp, A Nightmare On Elm Street’s beloved ‘Nancy’ who was on hand along with filmmaker Michael Stever and together they chronicled her first ever ‘public hair-cut’ as she auctioned off locks of her own hair with the help of veteran actor/stylist Don Alan King.


“Are you nervous?” asked Stever.  “Yes,” exclaimed Langenkamp… “I always am when I get my hair cut. But my daughter recently gave away some of her hair to ‘Locks Of Love’ and this is my homage to that, and just wanting to do something good for the ‘Scares That Care’ team.  The work they’re doing is so great, and I really want to get the word out so more festivals and cons will follow suit.”  

In addition to her work with ‘Scares That Care,’  Langenkamp was promoting her documentary, ‘I Am Nancy’ which takes a thought provoking, light hearted and yet incredibly deep journey into exploring Elm Street’s Nancy, and showcasing the cultural and personal connections she has observed since A Nightmare On Elm Street exploded into the pop culture phenomenon it is today.

Stever was at ‘Scares That Care’ screening his documentary,‘Jan Broberg’s Guide To Thespians, Sociopaths & Scream Queens!’ and was elated when Langenkamp saw it and gave it her thumbs up.  “I’m truly honored that Heather not only came to my film, but asked me to collaborate with her on documenting this first-of-its-kind auction for ‘Scares That Care,’ It’s a win, win all around.”

A short video featurette produced by Stever & showcasing Heather’s first-ever ‘Freddy-Cut’ can be viewed below!


Owner of Slit of the Wrist FX and producer, actor, FX artist and writer.