So much for…leaving your footprint in history…

Earlier this week the fifteenth severed foot was discovered by Port of Seattle officials near Pier 86 in Seattle, Washington. The severed remains, exactly like all the others, is a foot encased in a sock in a running shoe.
Severed feet have been discovered sporadically in the area as far back as August 2007. In total, the severed feet of 10 men and 5 women have been discovered.
The Salish Sea is located along the coasts of British Columbia, Canada and Washington, United States.
Officials believe the human remains to be those of victims of a 2004 tsunami, 2005 plane crash, or random suicides. Interestingly, they have yet to rule out foul play all together. It’s crazy to think, but America has been missing a prolific serial killer for some time now.
The Salish Sea Foot Mystery was the basis of a season six episode of Fox’s “Bones,” titled The Feet on The Beach.

Shunt the chunts.
What does that even mean?
Shunt: An act of pushing or shoving something.
Chunt: (minus the “h”)
The rest is up to you, chunt.
Interesting. Gotcha!
Cool, chunt. Stay moist.