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Aussie Bigfoot Flick ‘Throwback’ To Get Its US Premiere!

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It’s been about five months since we last brought you guys news about the Australian squatchploitation flick Throwback. The passage of time brings good news for Bigfoot fans as we have word on the US premiere this May. Read on for all the details.

Throwback will have its US premiere at the Famous Monsters Film Festival this May 17th-18th in San Jose, California. Past that I’m sure there will be more festival appearances across the globe and then hopefully we’ll see a home video release.

Throwback is written, produced, and directed by Travis Bain.  It stars Shawn Brack, Anthony Ring, Melanie Serafin, Vernon Wells (The Road Warrior, Commando), Warren Clements, Andy Bramble, Mike Elliott, Trevor Garvey, Shaun Cram

Plot Synopsis

Throwback is about two modern-day Australian treasure hunters, Jack (Shawn Brack) and Kent (Anthony Ring), who go searching for the lost gold of the legendary bushranger “Thunderclap” Newman (Andy Bramble) in the remote jungles of Far North Queensland. But instead of riches, they find a different kind of legend: a ferocious Australian monster known as a Yowie, Australia’s answer to Bigfoot, and a savage battle for survival ensues. Thrown into the mix is a feisty park ranger named Rhiannon (Melanie Serafin) and a burnt-out ex-homicide detective named McNab (Vernon Wells).

Watch the official trailer for Throwback here,

Throwback image

Throwback Official movie poster

Michael Juvinall

I am a Horror journalist, producer, ravenous Horror fiend, aficionado of the classic Universal Monsters, Hammer Horror, Werewolves, and all things Horror.