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Scream Park (Review)


Director – Cary Hill (Battle of Athens)
Starring – Nicole Beattie (Young Harvest), Steve Rudzinski (Super Task Force One), and Kailey Marie Harris
Release Date – 2012
Rating – 3.5/5

Tagline – “Death is the new attraction”

Lately I have been reviewing a rather large amount of indie slashers and to be honest I love every minute of it. Sure, I could grab one of the thousands of these post-Walking Dead zombie apocalypse horror films that offers nothing new nor entertaining.  But I would rather watch something fun and entertaining.  These slashers are mostly great and pay homage and tribute to the slashers I loved growing up.

I was excited to watch and review the slasher Scream Park.  I found a review for the film floating around and had to see it so I reached out to the Facebook page for the film to see how I could get a copy.  However, before I received an answer the film arrived in the mail.  It was sent by one of the best indie distributors, Wild Eye Releasing, and the second I had a chance I sat down and gave it a go.


**Spoiler Alert**The film follows a group of teens that work for a failing amusement park. The park is closing and the teens, along with the park manager (Steve Rudzinski), decide to have one last night of partying at the park after it’s last day open.  However, they are not the only ones at the park.  In true slasher style each member at the party ventures off and dies a horrible and gorey death until they eventually realize that two mask men are out to kill them all.

It is then that the park manager remembers a conversation he had earlier with the park’s owner (Hellraiser’s Doug Bradley).  The park owner mentioned that if something macabre or sinister took place at the park then people would once again pay to enter.  It is then that the park manager and the film’s final girl realize that the park’s owner is behind the massacre in order to increase profits.**Spoiler Alert**

I love when a modern slasher pays homage to the classic slashers of the 80s.  I love it even more when the film’s plot follows the same formula as those films from that era and then swerves off the path somewhere near the end for a fun and entertaining story.  Personally, I love the original formula that most slashers followed involving revenge and the whole “who done it” angle.  However, I also like when a film ventures from the beaten path.

That is one of my favorite parts of Scream Park.  The film is a straight forward slasher until the films final moments and it is revealed who the killers really are and why.  I thought this was fucking clever and made me really appreciate the film even more.

The acting in this film is actually pretty well done too.  The entire cast did a great job and this is another film that shows that director Steve Rudzinski not only has a talent for behind the camera, but in front of it as well.  The film also showcases some extremely beautiful ladies.  These girls are fucking hot as hell.

Finally, the film has some impressive slasher kills.  The kills are great to look at and the special effects are just good enough to pull them off but they are nothing new nor original.  Overall, Scream Park is the slasher that modern slashers try to be.  It has a great story and solid kills making this one a keeper.  Check it out!

The film will be available on DVD and VOD April 22nd.  You can pre-order your DVD from here!




(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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