4/20, it’s like Christmas for stoners. While I don’t partake in that particular past time, I certainly won’t turn down a strong dose of low budget horror. Last week it was announced that Pot Zombies 2: More Pot, Less Plot will be hitting Amazon.com and other online retailers on 4/20/2014.

Pot Zombies 2, the sequel to the 2005 B-movie from Troma and Fringe Media, looks to continue the streak of horror-comedy, cannabis fueled movies.
I may not be on board with the “more pot, less plot” aspect of the movie, but I can confirm that the production value on Pot Zombies 2 is much higher than its predecessor. And any movie with appearances from Karen Zombora, Monica Young (“Days of Our Lives”), Niko Red Star, Greg Ingram (Machete), Joe Grisaffi (Psychic Experiment), Kevin Green, Frederic Doss (Humans vs. Zombies), Cody Daniel (“Dallas”), Billy Blair (Machete Kills), and returning cast-member Richard Houghton can’t be that bad, right? I mean, we are talking about a zombie movie at its core.
Pot Zombies 2 follows, “marijuana smokers who turn into zombies with the munchies when a strain of radioactive pot infects the stoners of America; a hilarious warning sign of what may come from the cannabis legalization craze sweeping the nation.”
The film is currently in the top 200,000 films on Amazon.com based on pre-orders alone. Head on over and pre-order your copy of this hilarious, gory, crapfest today: https://www.amazon.com/Zombies-Frederic-Billy-Blair-Ingram/dp/B00IYXNOOE/ref=sr_1_2?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1395146011&sr=1-2&keywords=pot+zombies