Director Ryan Lightbourn’s filmmaking is similar to David and Brandon Cronenberg’s use of body horror. Lightbourn likes to creep out his audiences with the use of strong visuals as seen in the first trailer for his feature Sleepwalkers. The clip, which stars Ansley Gordon and Amanda Phillips, film vet’ J. LaRose (Insidious 2) and Dale DaBone, shows five friends on Spring Break. Creatures from the local Florida swamps come out of hibernation, in search of food.
Lightbourn’s first feature uses some hideous makeup effects to create his horror. A couple of the friends are captured by the film’s monsters and their bodies are transformed into something unrecognizable.
Fans of horror are encouraged to take a look at the first trailer for Sleepwalkers, below. Also, this indie creature feature will release in 2014, in several film festivals.
Release Date: 2014.
Director/writer: Ryan Lightbourn.
Producers: Aviva Christie, Tim Story, Jesse Fox, Ryan Lightbourn
Cast: Ansley Gordon, Amanda Phillips, Tommy Goodman, Ben Owen, Ben Evans.
The trailer for Sleepwalkers is here:

The film’s homepage:
The fan page: