
Has Someone Died In Your House? Find Out With New Website!

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So you’ve just bought the perfect family house that you have dreamed of forever, 4 bedroom, 3 1/2 baths, full finished basement, spacious yard with mature trees, and a room where someone killed themselves by blowing their brains all over the wall 30 years ago – wait, what?  Yep, you’ve just purchased a home that someone has died in and the realtor did not disclose that information.  What’s a person to do about this before they buy a home?  There’s a new website that addresses just that, will tell you if anyone has been murdered or committed suicide in your home.   You can get a Died in House report on your home, apartment or prospective residence for only $11.99

From the Died in House website,

Using a valid U.S. address, Died in House ™ instantly searches millions of records to determine if a death has occurred at that location. A Died in House ™ report may return the following information:

– Has a death occurred?

– Who died at that house?

– When did the person die?

– What was the cause of death?

– List of Previous Residents

– Vitality Status of Previous Residents

– Additional information about the death was founded in 2013 by a software development company based in Chapin, SC. The Died in House ™ service is the first of its kind; it provides users with death records associated to a specific address. The system instantly searches over 118 million records and that number continues to grow daily. The company is not only focusing on increasing the amount of data, but also increasing the age of their data. The Died in House ™ system contains data for all 50 states.

This might be something to think about when buying an older home, just sayin’!

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Michael Juvinall

I am a Horror journalist, producer, ravenous Horror fiend, aficionado of the classic Universal Monsters, Hammer Horror, Werewolves, and all things Horror.

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