The Campground is an upcoming slasher directed by indie director Roman Jossart and is scheduled to be released later this year. Recently I brought you news about the film with release of the new teaser trailer. The film is heavily influenced by 80s slasher flicks and not the watered down 90s slasher films that are still being released now.
The Facebook page had this to say about the film:
“A few friends decide to go down to a campground to celebrate a birthday party but the mood soon changes when people start missing and turning up dead. In this original telling of a masked serial killer named Charlie Varsin you’ll be sitting on the edge of your seat just dying to see whats around the next corner. Make sure you don’t miss out on this revisit to an old school telling of a horror movie.”
Recently the Facebook page released some behind the scene photos of the upcoming film and you can check those out below. After checking those out please hit the article source below and give them a like to show your support!