You guys know how much we love monster movies around here, and today I got word on one that might be interesting entitled Beast: A Monster Among Us. We were lucky enough to get our hands on a new trailer and the one-sheet for the film and you guys can dig on it below, let us know what you think, is this something you might want to see?

Beast: A Monster Among Us is written and directed by Mike Lenzini and it stars Blake Farris, Darren Flores, Eric Waltzer, TJ Lavin, Mike Lenzini, Christopher Styles, Brandon Feranda, Tara Lynn, and Ravyn Jade star.
Look for the film to hit home video on August 20th, 2013.
Plot Synopsis
Five friends head out for a week getaway to a secluded cabin just outside of the Six Rivers National Forest. When an argument forces the group apart, things begin to deteriorate quickly. One by one the campers turn up dead, and things are clearly not what they seem. As day breaks, only two men remain. Yet, what if neither man is responsible for the night’s carnage, but instead it’s the BEAST who calls Six Rivers home… BIGFOOT!
Watch the trailer here,