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Oculus Rift could change horror games


Now im not a huge gamer player, but I might be after this thing… check it out…

Disunion is a guillotine simulator for the Oculus Rift. Like many of the demos available for the fledgling virtual reality headset, it’s a bit rough: The crowd is nothing more than cardboard cutouts and the entire experience lasts just a few seconds. It also makes far less of an impact the second time you try it, since you know what to expect. But Disunion shows the frightening potential of the Rift. While the device can be used to recreate incredible experiences, like flying through the air or piloting a spaceship, its added realism can also make you very, very uncomfortable — which could just make it the ideal platform for horror games.

Hit the source for the full article and a couple of videos… this thing looks bad ass!!

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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