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H.P. Lovecraft To Get Tribute in His Hometown of Providence, Rhode Island

H.P. Lovecraft imageIt’s rather shocking to believe that one of the most influential American horror authors of all-time, H.P. Lovecraft has never been honored in his hometown of Providence, Rhode Island.  Fortunately, this is going to change as there will be a life-size bronze effigy that is being created as we speak in time for a late Summer memorial to the master of the elder gods.   Read on for all the details.

From The Press Release

This August, 73 years after his death, famed American horror-fantasy author Howard Phillips Lovecraft (At the Mountains of Madness, The Call of Cthulhu) will finally receive a public monument in celebration of his enormous literary legacy in his hometown of Providence, Rhode Island. The historic Providence Athenaeum Library, founded in 1753, has agreed to accept into its permanent collection a life-size bronze effigy that will be created by sculptor Bryan Moore of Arkham Studios.

“Being a longtime member of the Lovecraft fan community, my goal has always been to make sure that the Old Gent could be memorialized in the form of a statue,” says Moore, who has been sculpting for the film, toy and private collector industry for nearly three decades. “Lovecraft is often overshadowed by his own creations: His monster Cthulhu can be seen everywhere from cake toppers to fuzzy slippers, and he’s influenced everyone from Neil Gaiman to Guillermo del Toro. Yet there are no tributes of any kind to the author in his hometown. Thanks to the Providence Athenaeum Library, we aim to change that.”

Adds Providence Athenaeum Executive Director Alison Maxell, “We are truly grateful for the inspiration, talent and generosity of accomplished artist Bryan Moore. We look forward to receiving the completed bust and officially welcoming ‘The Old Gent’ home. Lovecraft will be in good company – among friends, poets, philosophers and other literary greats. With the Athenaeum’s close proximity to his familiar haunts and with a view from Benefit Street overlooking his beloved city, I like to think he would be pleased as well.”

To raise the $30,000 cost involved in erecting a monument of this size, Moore has launched a public crowd funding campaign on Kickstarter. Thanks to the support of corporate sponsors including Lionsgate Films, Dark Horse Comics, Fearnet and Fangoria Magazine, The H.P. Lovecraft Bronze Bust Project is able to offer a variety of exciting incentives for backers to choose from including original art by Hellboy creator Mike Mignola, dinner with filmmaker Stuart Gordon (Re-Animator, From Beyond), a VIP experience at the unveiling and even a full size replica of the bust itself.

“Kickstarter was made for projects like this: fundraisers that allow fans to directly take part in the creation and installation of a gift of public work that celebrates the literary legacy of their favorite author,” says Moore. “We will see to it that Lovecraft is never forgotten throughout the ages by coming together and making this fan-based effort a reality.”

The completed bust of H.P. Lovecraft will be unveiled on August 22, 2013, as part of NecronomiCon Providence at the historic Providence Athenaeum Library at 251 Benefit Street. Moore and other members of The H.P. Lovecraft Bronze Bust Project will host the unveiling.

“The Providence Athenaeum is pleased to be a part of NecronomiCon Providence this August,” Maxell says. “The excitement here and around the country is building. We believe this event is truly shaping up to be the definitive celebration of H.P. Lovecraft and his beloved Providence.”




Michael Juvinall

I am a Horror journalist, producer, ravenous Horror fiend, aficionado of the classic Universal Monsters, Hammer Horror, Werewolves, and all things Horror.

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