Bloody Night is a film that has recently completed production from Budapest, Hungary. Bloody Night is a slasher film that takes place in this world renowned city. In the story, several friends are chased by a mysterious killer as these four friends search for help.
Several stills have been released from director Hakan Yildiz’s production. Actors Anna Rust and Pau Maso are featured in these photos, with a killer shown in one image (foreground). View all of the images here.
Director: Hakan Yildiz.
Producers: Burcak Ozder, Deniz Sahin and Hakan Yildiz.
Cast: Hakan Yildiz, Pau Maso, Anna Rust, Zsolt Der and Christoph Fortmann.
*the film’s fan page can be found in the Sources section.
**a trailer for this film will be released March 1st, 2013.