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Indie Horror Filmmaker Adam Ahlbrandt Kickstarting his Next Feature, ‘The Ritual’

Adam Ahlbrandt image 2Indie filmmaker Adam Ahlbrandt, director of such brutal horror films as The Cemetery (review) and Cross Bearer (review) is in pre-production on his next feature film, The Ritual from Adversary Films.

Ahlbrandt is what independent filmmaking is all about, he does it all, writer, producer, actor, director, cinematographer, editor, the whole nine yards.  Ahlbrandt and a select few other filmmakers are the future of indie horror cinema in America.  His films are horrific, brutal, sleazy, and not watered down by the studio system.  He doesn’t sacrifice his vision in order to get a film made, he finds creative ways to do it himself without selling out.

A Kickstarter campaign has been started to help fund The Ritual.  You can help fund his next film for as little as $1.00, every buck counts.  Their goal is $6,500 by February 23rd, 2013.  All money donated goes directly into financing the film, this money is needed to cover the most basic of needs to produce the film.

“The Ritual is a film that can only be produced outside of the studio system at this point… Every investor we’ve talked to has wanted things about the film changed to lessen the extremity of the film. As film makers we value our story and think that it deserves to be told in the way it was intended and not softened or dulled to appeal to a larger amount of the viewing population. Which means that it is up to YOU the audience to help make it happen.”

The Ritual stars and is directed by Adam Ahlbrandt.  The rest of the cast includes Kacie Marie, James Brown, Ruby LaRocca, Victor Bonacore, Jess Rajs, F Stokes, and Jamie Lee.

Plot Synopsis:

The Ritual follows a criminal who dabbles in prostitute debt enforcement as he becomes entangled in a series of brutal ritual murders.

If you like independent horror and want to see more awesome films from Adam Ahlbrandt, head on over to The Ritual’s Kickstarter page and pledge.  There are also some cool prize packages for donating, so what do you have to loose.

Enter The Ritual’s Kickstarter page.

Follow The Ritual on Facebook and be sure to “Like”

Watch the trailers for The Cemetery and Cross Bearer here,


Michael Juvinall

I am a Horror journalist, producer, ravenous Horror fiend, aficionado of the classic Universal Monsters, Hammer Horror, Werewolves, and all things Horror.

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