The Timeslip is a short film written, directed, and starring Richard and Jonathan Chance following one man’s journey through a time gap which takes him back to a primitive dimension where he is pursued by a gang of hunters. The idea of man being stripped of the comforts of modernity and forced to survive on his own wits is not relatively new, stories like Heart of Darkness and The Most Dangerous Game come to mind. In fact, this film contained elements of William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies, namely the wolf’s head pierced on a spike when the protagonist awakes to blood dripping on his face, the group of hunters who aren’t part of any defined tribe but look English beneath the warpaint, and finally the fact that Golding’s novel was a critique of modernity, as was this film. The protagonist is forced to reckon with the fact that all of the things he once considered important now have to be reconfigured to suit his survival, for instance he uses his briefcase to ward off the rain. Overall, the “horror” of the film is generated by the fact that modernity and all of its technological comforts will not protect us forever, if at any given point it disappears.