During Memorial Day Weekend, Brooklyn was paved with blood as Michael The Zombie from the hit short film, Zombie Bohemia, returned to his studio at Greenpoint Gallery. Yes, Zombie Bohemia is back as a webseries and is in the midst of filming episodes and several promotional videos. I’m still bummed I missed several days of filming, but now award-winning director Vince Brando has provided me with a long email of details and several stills from production.
The email is very long, so I’ll try to break it down for you. Shooting is going very well and Vince Brando gives major props to his cast and crew, which he has dubbed “rockstars.” Vince specifically mentions “unbelievable sets” that Shawn James built for the production. Special FX will be better this time around, especially with the use of “squibs.” Squibs are little explosive blood packs that can be strapped to people and exploded, giving off the effect of impact wounds. Video quality and sound quality will also be better this time around.
“Zombie Bohemia: The Series” will bring a fresh batch of characters into the madness that is the art world of New York. Some special characters named specifically include a Carnival Baker that exists only within Michael The Zombie’s mind, a snooty high-up network executive, one of Anton’s new love interests…which could be the bee girl?, and children’s product creator – Mr. Woodson. All of them sound pretty interesting and…out there.
Here are some of the stills from filming “Zombie Bohemia: The Series” that I was provided with.