
Jessica Cameron talks Camel Spiders experience

A new creature feature, Camel Spiders, is on its way. Based on the real life “spiders” from The Middle East, Camel Spiders tells the story of  how the creatures sneak to America and terrorize a small, south-western town. One of the many notable actresses in Camel Spiders is none other than Jessica Cameron, one of our favorite girls here at Horror Society. I recently reached out to her to comment on this upcoming CGI creature assaulting film. As to not give away any plot details before the film’s release on March 27, Jessica decided to talk about the pleasure of working with the iconic director Jim Wynorski. Here’s what she had to say:

Working on Camel Spiders with the legendary Jim Wynorski was everything that everyone warned me it would be, and so much more. Yes, he is specific and knows exactly what he wants. Yes, he is crass and extremely vocal (that’s my polite way of saying he yells a lot!). Yes, he told me I had to get a boob job (for my career a double d is mandatory ;). But, he is also brilliant in how he achieves his vision. He has earned a spot on the top-tier of low-budget indie film making and after working with him I fully understand why he has become the icon that he is. He’s able to achieve the impossible with minimal money, little crew, props and makes it work. It was honestly one of my favorite shoots to date. Yes, Jim can be abrupt, but it’s all for the sake of the film. Once you understand that, it suddenly makes sense.

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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