Famous Monsters Presents The Imagi-Movies Film Festival April 8-10 in Beverly Hills. www.imagimovies.com
The Imagi-Movies Film festival is about exploring creativity through the medium of movie-making; it’s about letting your mind travel to its darkest regions, and the most fantastical visions of the future and other worlds—then sharing it.
Forrest J Ackerman coined the term “Imagi-Movies”. He also believed anyone who had the courage to make a film was a hero. We want to celebrate those who take the risks to put their vision in a public forum, and those who have the passion, talent, and dedication to commit their time and abilities to these projects. We feel that every single one of us who have ever worked on a film and felt it was more than just a job or a task deserves to be celebrated, and to create a forum for this is exactly what Imagi-movies aims to do.
Frequently, genre cinema winds up being dismissed as mindless spectacle. We think it’s some of the most complex, creative, and challenging cinema being made. Imagi-movies exist in a world that might sometimes resemble our own, but with otherworldly elements: the fabricated, absurd, and totally unreal bleeds in like ink on fabric. And we embrace and enjoy these films; we live in a world of monsters.
For the purpose of this film festival, the Imagi-Movies are films that were submitted to us by filmmakers and others involved with the films. We would have loved to screen all of our submissions, with a machine that could slow the world outside to a sloth-like pace, cocooning us in the theater, watching movie after movie, until we had relished every single frame. But sadly, a device like that hasn’t been invented yet.
So, to all of our filmmakers, congratulations, and thank you for keeping the independent spirit alive. And to all of our soon-to-be filmmakers, what’s keeping you?