All of Neve Campbell’s buzz right now is on Scream 4, and rightfully so. But, while glancing over her IMDB profile, I saw that she is going to be in a new indie, suspense thriller coming out soon called The Glass Man. We’ve seen her in the Scream franchise for so long. Could you imagine seeing her fight someone besides Ghostface? Although such horror websites as 28 Days Later Analysis, Dread Central, and Slash Film News have picked up this story recently, the amount of horror that will be in The Glass Man is yet to be seen. That’s why I’m giving it to the suspense thriller genre right now. This is the plot of The Glass Man: “The chilling story of a middle class man whose desperate weathering of the current economic crisis ends with the arrival one night of a debt collector with an offer that surely cannot be turned down.”
You can view the trailer here. Towards the end of the trailer you do see bloody knives and Neve Campbell’s character being manhandled by someone, but I’m not sure if this is horror or more…crime, thriller related. Either way, Neve Campbell has solidified herself as a scream queen, so any contribution to the genre should be noted. Directed by Cristian Solimeno, The Glass Man will also star Andy Nyman (Black Death) and James Cosmo (Urban Ghost Story). The Glass Man is a UK film and is expected to be released early 2012, which sadly means that the American HorrorSociety readers will have to wait a little longer.
Still, my interest is peaked. How about all of you?