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Dead Hooker in a Trunk Banned

In response to Dead Hooker in a Trunk, an award-winning Canadian film from last year’s event, being banned from screening at a movie theater in Canada, the Film Festival has decided to invite the film back to Las Vegas this year and offer free entry fees to other filmmakers.

After receiving an anonymous complaint about the film’s title, the Roxy Theatre in Saskatoon, Canada decided to cancel an April 22 late night double feature of the film with The Taint. The screening was part of a series of events put on by the Dark Bridges Film Festival leading up to its big event in October.

“Our posters were vandalized and torn down even,” said Jen Soska, who wrote, directed and starred in the film with her twin sister Sylvia. “Really? In Canada? Not cool, guys. Let’s tell ’em. Loud and proud. Together, we’re an army.”

PollyGrind director Chad Clinton Freeman says he welcomes the Twisted Twins and Dead Hooker in a Trunk back anytime.

“This is pretty absurd,” Freeman said. “What year is it again? And how does one even make an anonymous complaint about anything in this day and age?”

“Seriously,” Freeman continued, “This year at my event, I’m re-screening some of our 2011 award winners the weekend of Halloween and I’d love to show Dead Hooker in a Trunk in that batch if the Soskas wanted me to. The banning of a great independent film like this is exactly why the PollyGrind exists. I hope this encourages filmmakers, those that don’t already, to stand up for what they believe in, and for those that do, to keep on fighting the good fight.”

Dead Hooker in a Trunk won three awards at the debut PollyGrind event. It took home the Jury Award for Best Screenplay, the Audience Award for Favorite Feature and the event’s Bad Girl Award.

With the banning of Dead Hooker in a Trunk, currently many are left wondering what will happen of the Second Annual Dark Bridges Film Festival, which run October 13-16 at the Roxy Theatre. PollyGrind overlaps that event, running Oct. 7-16 and Freeman is offering free entries into his festival for all filmmakers that entered Dark Bridges last year and this year.

“Yeah, it sounds like a great event,” Freeman said. “It’s a shame the venue is being like this. But any friend of the Soska sisters by proxy is a friend of the PollyGrind, so send us your features and shorts. Especially, if the Roxy shuts the whole thing down; just pack up and come to Vegas.”

Support true indie filmmaking and protest censorship! Sign the petition in support of Dead Hooker in a Trunk here.

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!