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In the remote jungle of a Central American country, an elite group of commandos led by Major Dutch Schaeffer (Arnold Schwarzenegger), embarks on a CIA mission to clear out a guerrilla stronghold and rescue the remaining hostages. However, the hunters become the hunted when a highly intelligent, otherwordly being slowly and methodically starts killing off members of Dutch’s team. Possessing a chameleonlike camouflaging ability and a deadly alien arsenal, the creature tracks down the soldiers one by one.

Since the movie Predators is going to be released next week, I shall be watching Predator, Predator 2, Aliens vs. Predators and Aliens vs. Predators 2: Requiem so let’s start where it all started, with Arnold Schwarzenegger. The story is great and well written, it really kept your attention throughout the movie because you really wanted all of the characters to escape or kill the Predator. The characters were also done well as each of them had their own personalities and you cared what happened to them, which is fantastic in a movie. The acting was brilliant however there were a couple of parts that were mediocre but it doesnt spoil the film in any way. The direction is great, the writing is well done and the special effects were done well, considering this movie is from the eighties. Overall though, Predator is a winner.


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