Three years after the events of the original Battle Royale, the survivor of the game, Shuya Nanahara, is now an internationally-known terrorist and, leading his group known as Wild Seven, is determined to bring down the government. To counter this new threat, the government enacts the “New Century Terrorist Counter ‘ Measure Alternative” program, (a.k.a. the Battle Royale II act), and sends the forty-two students of Shikanotoride Junior High Class 3-B to hunt Nanahara and his cohorts down in their island stronghold. Shiori Kitano, the daughter of the late headmaster of Nanahara’s first Battle Royale, signs up for the program, to avenge her father. In order for the government to study the benefits of “teamwork”, the new students are forced to work in pairs with their collars electronically linked so that if one of them is killed, the other dies as well. They must kill Nanahara in three days or die&
Battle Royale is one of my all-time favourite movies but the sequel wasn’t as good as the first movie. The story was very average, it started off great with some twists to the new game of Battle Royale which was all good and well but then halfway through the movie, an all-new storyline started and it just wasn’t really very interesting. The characters didn’t really stand out from one another nor did they bring any kind of personality to the movie except for Shuya Nanahara who was in the first movie. You didn’t really feel as connected to the characters as you did in the first movie and the characters weren’t really written well either. The acting was mediocre, some of the actors in the movie could have been a lot better than they were. There’s one guy in the movie that looked like he was having a fit every scene he was in but there were other actors who played their characters very well. The writing isn’t bad but the direction was good. Unfortunately, this isn’t really a good sequel.