
Spider Mountain-Bill Moseley’s new CD

When you hear the name BILL MOSELEY thoughts of Otis Driftwood and Chop Top Sawyer run through your mind. There is another side of the iconic actor, and that is passionate musician. MOSELEY one of the founding members of CORNBUGS who released six albums with them and has dropped a new project called Spider Mountain with RANI SHARONE from STOLEN BABIES. This album is a bit different than Cornbugs. While its still experimental, its something all its own.

It’s like a roller coaster of sound that warrants an in depth listen. From the theremin sounds to the banjo, thoughts of Oingo Boingo and The Cramps come to mind. From MOSELEY’S quirky and nihilistic lyrics added with SHARONE’S masterful sounds, you get one hell of a musical experience. Some of the stand out tracks from NO WAY DOWN are ROLLING HILL’S, FLYING HOME and THAT’S MY DEATH. There are 13 tracks and each one is better than the last.

I would definitely give this five out of five zombie chomps. So head over to and pick up a copy immediately.

by: Brad Bruce…

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