This week I have been treated to Episode #6 of The Chainsaw Sally Show, Boobie Trap, a couple of days early by Jimmyo Burril. Episode 6 is definitely sick, twisted, and funny. Last week, as you may well remember, cheerleader and snooty bitch Tiff had escaped and was running for her life. Of course she doesn’t get far before we find out just how sick and twisted Jimmyo’s imagination can get as Tiff, while crawling through the forest finds a bear trap and is caught by a body part not often seen clamped between the jaws of an animal trap. Sally and Ruby catch up with her and we quickly learn how twisted Chainsaw Sally really is and while Tiff screams, struggles, and screams some more the audience laugh track inappropriately laughs and cheers which works to add a whole new depth to the depravity on screen.
I’m not quite sure where Jimmyo’s going with the Cowboy back story and while I am sure it will all make sense over the next 5 weeks, the time spent telling that backstory robs me of Chainsaw Sally and Ruby time on screen. And there’s no such thing as too much Chainsaw Sally!
Again this week I must comment on the overall production quality. I’m looking forward to getting this web-series on DVD as the production quality is excellent and I’m really looking forward to seeing it on a television set with stereo sound. It’s twisted, gory, bloody, and horrifying good fun. April, Azman, and Lilli are all pulling off great perfomances week after week. This really is “Must Bleed TV”.
Check it out tommorrow, Tuesday, the 5th of October at https://www.chainsawsallyshow.com
Also, while you are at it, check out The Lost Diaries of Jimmyo and other behind the scenes videos at Forbidden Pictures YouTube Page. The Lost Diaries of Jimmyo are fantastic good fun.