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In The Dark

in_the_darkIn The Dark, a short piece written and directed by Enrique Garcia, centers around nasty little baby sitter Sara (played by Tara Shayne) and Alex, her evening’s money maker. Sara arrives, the parents leave, and then the real Sara shows up…as well as her boyfriend Roger after a ‘come over here the coast is clear’ call. Not too soon afterward something else shows up…in the dark.

As I mentioned, it’s a short piece, so those that must have the how, why, where, and when’s answered will be seriously let down. Why was this happening? What was the catalyst? These (and a few others that may spring to mind) are not questions you will have answered. Upon watching it, In The Dark felt almost like a snippit of a full length film in which all the need to knows had already been established.

That being typed, I enjoyed it. Overall, I dug the acting and the way it was filmed. I was pleased with their use of digital special f/x (enough for effect, but not too hokey), and the atmosphere of the piece. I have to give props to boyfriend Andre Bolourchi. It was refreshing to see a guy actually looking scared and creeped out on film, and he pulled it off quite believably. His physical acting was something I liked as well. I was impressed by how realistic he played out his big scene. Brian Jordan Alvarez also put on an interesting performance as Alex…nice, subtle and captivating.

So, if you can push past the huhs? and whas? for about 12 minutes or so, In The Dark will reward you with a fun little ride that will leave you with questions, but also with a smile or two.

In The Dark

Written and Directed by Enrique Garcia

2008 Exclamation Entertainment

Official Selection 2009 Dam Short Film Festival
Winner “Best Editing” 2009 Late Night Horror Film Festival

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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