Synopsis: To exist in daylight, Elizabeth Bathory the infamous blood countess, widow of the Legendary Count Dracula makes a pact with an Egyptian Goddesss that involves three lonely victims and a living mummy. A centuries old craving collides with an ancient curse in this horrific climax to Frontline Entertainments Countess Dracula and the Mummy’s kiss.
This movie is a kid’s wet dream with all the boobs, blood, and frontal nudity.Well known Scream Queen Brinke Stevens is Professor Foran who happened to be working the night that the mummy disappeared. She is actually embarrassed to admit what she thinks because she knows it will sound completely crazy. Renfield is Count Dracula’s caretaker and has this crazy bug addiction. He craves eating bugs so bad that sometimes he ends up a little late for his chores. After chasing a big juicy one he is late for Dracula once again and things turn out a little extra crispy. Countess Bathory then shows up and decides to stay on even though her hubby is now deceased.
Renfield becomes her caretaker and he is deathly afraid of her. He does what he is told but he isn’t to happy about it. Bathory decides she must go on a quest to find the mummy so she can survive out in the bright sunlight with no worries or cares. She must drink the blood of the three victims also for it to work. I wasn’t really sure on what to expect but I liked it. Dracula was not such a great actor but who cares no one is perfect. One of the three victims is Mina. She is an attractive chinese girl with a platinum wig. She is the first one to get her neck puncture wounds and wants nothing more than to serve her centuries old mistress.
Mina’s roommate likes to paint in nothing but a thong so her and Mina sit around like this all the time. Suddenly Mina is missing and her roomate becomes upset and doesn’t know what to think. Mina has stayed away for days before so should she even bother calling the cops? Or should she just wait for her to return? Blood Scarab is a horror comedy so some parts will have your smirking, like Renfield with his overwhelming bug addiction. Watching him stalk out crunchy insects should be gross but it’s hysterical. And his loud goofy laugh accompanied ith those bulging eyes is priceless! He is like a crack head waiting for his next fix.
Even though Blood Scarab has a few laughs it still has very seductive scenes of Bathory with her female victims. She sure knows whats she wants and uses her hypnotic gaze to get it. I guess the Countess favors her female victims. Shit if I was married to that blundering idiot Dracula I think I’d give up men as well! I have never seen any of Frontline Entertainment’s movies but I just saw there was The Mummy’s Kiss and The Mummy’s Kiss second dynasty prior to this so you might want to watch them first so you know everything that is going on within this fun fang filled satire. I am sure there is just as much T&A in them as well!
I liked watching this film, it had everything that makes a movie interesting- which we all know is blood, boobs, and hot chicks! It’s not scary so if you are hoping for something that would have you peering out at it between your fingers that are tightly covering your eyes, forget it! If you wanna laugh a little press play now!
Frontline Entertainment is proud to be showcasing some of Don Glut’s work and Blood Scarab is a fine example. The mummy is pretty cool looking with his red glowing eyes and zombie type of rotting face. It was a cheesy monster but he totally fit in the theme of things here. I think I could be scared if I bumped into it in some dark place….
wwwowwww how scrarey…….