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Cannibal Cheerleader Camp

posterthumb17:53 Minutes
Directed by: Paul Busetti

Paul Busetti’s Cannibal Cheerleader Camp might only be a horror short but it’s big on amusement while being his labor of love. Camp houses up five girls with very diverse personalities and equal bitchiness. You watch and realize just how catty some girls really are. The two Kim’s are lovers who just can’t seem to get enough of each other and Cindy is the only one that seems to have a brain in her little blond head.

After trading insults the Kim’s and gun girl (loved her) talk about how some strippers up the street were cut up real bad from some freak. Do you think they caught him? Should we be worried? The super bad bitch rubs her gun and brags she’ll deliver death to anyone stupid enough to come near them. Deciding to play it safe they all want to keep their guard up for any intruder.

Some things just can’t be explained, there isn’t always a rational answer to the strange questions that life hands us. As someone picks the girls off one by one suddenly you see the unexplainable. Some how the murdered girl gets up and ravenously chews up delicious flesh. How is this possible? Is there a cure to put these skin starving creatures to rest?

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