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The 4th Dimension


The 4th Dimension is a meditative examination into the mind of an introverted genius who obsesses to solve the complexity of time. The 4th Dimension explores the dark and lonely world between dreams and reality.

Jack is a loner confined to a workbench in the back of an antique shop. When a mysterious woman presents him with a broken antique clock, unexplainable events begin to occur. After finding Albert Einstein’s journal on his still unsolved Unified Field Theory, Jack becomes compulsive about analyzing time and theorizing its connection to his supernatural experiences, his surreal dreams, and his perception of reality, only to lead to the discovery of the biggest mystery of all – himself.

4/5 STARS ****
“The film is gorgeous…
This is an inspired cinematic experience…
The film establishes a unique world and pulls you in immediately…
Morabito’s portrayal is one of subtlety and moody charm…drifting through this world
with Jack, you’ve just got to let go and enjoy the slow burn.”

– Mark Bell, Filmthreat

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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