Matthew Saliba’s Vampyros Lesbos is a tribute to the 1971 Jess Franco film Vampyros Lesbos told in still images a la CHris Marker’s Sci Fi classic LA JETTE. The story plays out excellently on screen and from the still images you feel like you are there with them witnessing this sado-erotic adventure play out in front of your eager awaiting eyes. Scream queens Isabella Stephen and Kitty Daly are the two main characters in the film. Vampyros Lesbos is as unique as it gets.
This artistic experience is fresh and something totally different than what you are used to. Linda is a bored housewife who has an erotic adventure with Countess Nadine. Nadine makes being a vampire seem like it’s pleasurable and glamorous instead of being just another blood sucker with sharp fangs. Omar sits there like a helpless victim as his wife cavorts in front of him with her lover- but it is he who gets the last laugh!