
Bianca Barnett

Interview by AngryPrincess

Were you always into scary things or did you grow into it?

As long as I can recall, I’ve been strongly attracted to darker things in life. I had a pet rubber skeleton named "Skelly" when I was two. I did a performance of Thriller in my second grade class. I grew up reading the old Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark… Books about ghoulish special effects, the occult, witchcraft, Halloween, and how to haunt your house always grabbed my attention! I rented every horror film my video store carried, snuck downstairs at night to watch scary movies on cable… Ha ha, I guess I was born a goth girl!

Albino Farm is in post production, can you tell us a little about the film? 

It’s based loosely on Missouri folklore surrounding the infamous Spring Lawn farm. Four college students are traveling through the Ozarks when they stumble upon "us" and terror ensues.

Do you believe in ghosts?

I want to believe in them, though honestly, I am a skeptic! Maybe I’ll get over that one day. I love the adrenaline rush of being scared and anything that is metaphysical or unexplainable by science is both creepy and fascinating to me. When I was little, I had an imaginary friend named Mary. Perhaps she was a ghost?

What’s your favorite horror movie and why? 

I could never narrow it down to one favorite since I love so many, but I do have a soft spot for European horror films of the 1970s. Of course, cheesy flicks with terrible acting and awful special effects are so much fun to watch!

What is your favorite flower?

Hydrangea, roses, belladonna, and more! I also love crafting, cooking, gardening, Martha Stewart and the like. I dream of having an old house on farm land and being a sexy, Suzy Homemaker. Both of my parents worked all the time so I never had security or felt safe at home while growing up. That’s probably why I am obsessed… My little sister jokes that I am an old granny in a young person’s body.

If you could be anyone in the world who would you be?

Me- only thinner, richer, more famous and with a smaller nose.

Are you into politics at all?

Yes, but I keep that aspect of my life mostly private. I will admit that I am becoming more environmentally obsessed and green friendly with each day.

What is your favorite holiday?

Halloween! But I love all holidays because it’s fun to be crafty, celebrate and feel connected to others. There is such a great energy involved during the holidays and I am a sucker for tradition.

Are you looking forward to any projects in the near future?

I am in negotiations with four feature length films that I am hoping will be finished this year. Please visit my website for lots of goodies and updates

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