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CHICAGO! 30th Anniversary Screening of Silent Night Deadly Night 2 with Director Lee Harry Tomorrow

It’s Garbage Day tomorrow night at Carbon Arc. Celebrate with director Lee Harry

Horror Society is proud and endlessly excited to present a screening of Silent Night Deadly Night 2 for FREE on Sunday, August 13th at 8:30pm at Carbon Arc Bar located at 4614 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60625.

The director of the film, Lee Harry, is kind enough to join us for this special 30th Anniversary screening! Please bring along any and all Silent Night Deadly Night merch to be signed and be ready with questions for the director.

Movie will start promptly at 8:30pm with a Q&A to follow. Stick around for giveaways and a killer Santa trailer reel. A discussion of the film series will follow after that.

Matt Storc

(Chicago Events Coordinator) Matt Storc is a screenwriter and director from the great city of Chicago. He enjoys sharing movies with people almost as much as he enjoys making them. He also does a killer rendition of the other guy's part in Shaggy's "It Wasn't Me" at karaoke."