Indie horror film, Abyzou: Taker Of Children is now in production by a small but dedicated group of filmmakers. The filmmakers wished to show their proof-of-concept trailer for the film, which was actually used to help get funding to make the movie. You can check the trailer and more details out down below.
From The Press Release
Lock It Down Productions and Grimbridge Productions are excited to share the proof-of-concept trailer and teaser poster for Abyzou: Taker of Children.
“I feel very fortunate to have the cast and crew we do for Abyzou,” states Pacheco. “They are continuously exceeding our expectations, and I’m confident that it will result in our scariest film yet. What we have filmed so far is creepy as hell, and we’ve already gone through about 2 gallons of blood!”
Hailee and her boyfriend, Dylan, return from a romantic trip to Israel to learn they are expecting a child. Their celebration quickly descends to terror when Hailee becomes a surrogate of the demon Abyzou. Unable to give birth to a child of her own, this ancient evil will stop at nothing to spawn her infernal offspring. The young mother-to-be must draw on the strength of her loved ones to protect her unborn child.