Earlier this week independent horror actor Lee Vervoort publicly confirmed that he landed an unspecified role on the hit AMC series, “The Walking Dead.” The Kentucky native is known for his roles in The Deepening (2006), Torture Room (2007), Scream Farm (2008), Revelation Trail (2013), and The Lashman (2014); as well as 2013’s The Truck – a horror film he wrote and directed.
Due to the zombie series’ strict nondisclosure agreements and contracts, Vervoort is unable to divulge what his role will consist of, but he made sure to thank his new agent for booking him the opportunity. Whether it be a one-liner, a featured Alexandrian or a featured walker, Vervoort has assured his followers that he will clarify which episode he appears in when it finally makes it to air on AMC.
Lee is no stranger to television. His previous TV roles include playing a cop in “Nashville,” a security guard in “Legacy” and a music promoter in “Fatal Encounters.”
The reason I’ve chosen to do this small article is to highlight an independent horror actor making strides in becoming a household name. It’s important to support those working in this industry as they move on to better and brighter futures. Congratulations, Lee!