
White Rabbit (Review)


Director – Tim McCann (Desolation Angels)
Starring – Nick Krause (Grimm), Sam Trammell (True Blood), and Britt Robertson (Scream 4)
Release Date – 2013
Rating – 4/5

Normally I dislike thrillers because most go the psychological route and try to fuck with the viewer’s mind.  These usually end with the viewer feeling overwhelmed and under-entertained.  With that being said, I do enjoy the drama thrillers that are more straight forward and deliver a solid story.  This has been a rare trait among thrillers in recent years with most going the supernatural or psychological path.

A few months back I was sent a press release for the film White Rabbit.  Actor Sam Trammell spent some time living in the same state as I, West Virginia, so I feel inclined to follow his career some plus I am a fan of True Blood (let the shit slinging begin).  I wanted to check this one out so I reached out to Breaking Glass and they were kind enough to send over a review copy.  Thanks!


**Spoiler Alert**The film follows Harley Mackey (Krause) who is the center of everyone’s ridicule and harsh jokes.  Along for the ride is his friend Steve (Ryan Lee) who is stuck in the middle of the teasing just like Harley.  Harley’s father Darrell (Trammell) is a drunk that does not agree with Harley’s way of life or his comic obsession and the only thing the two ever do together is shoot guns which is something Harley has been doing for years.  One night Harley and Steve find a dog in the dumpster and take it Steve’s home to keep but his parents refuse the dog.

The next day Steve kills himself but Harley is too fragile mentally to accept it.  When things are at its darkest, Harley meets a beautiful young girl (Robertson).    The two start spending time together and she brings him out of his dark place.  That is until one night when she starts mixing pills with alcohol and almost dies.  He takes her back to her home and leaves her in the drive-way before running off.  This will be the last time he sees her for a few months before reappearing in his life with the guy that torments him daily at school.

This crushes Harley and he finally comes to terms that Steve is no longer with him.  All this hate finally explodes and he grabs a gun and heads to the school that is ground zero for all his rage.**Spoiler Alert**

Very rarely do I get a drama or thriller to review and as soon as its over I have to say “what the fuck” but White Rabbit did just that and a lot more.  The film was nothing like I expected and had little to nothing to do with the title with the exception of a key moment from the main character’s childhood.  Either way, the film was not a disappointment.

The acting in this one is fantastic by the entire cast with no weak links in the chain.  Nick Krause is phenomenal in his role and really draws on the emotion of the viewer.  As a viewer, I genuinely felt bad for the kid until the very end and he throws that sympathy right back at the viewer making them feel like fools for showing him this emotion.  The remainder of the cast does an outstanding job as well and really makes the story flow fluidly.

The story for this one is one we have seen several times in cinema with the young boy getting bullied to the point he has to stand up for himself.  However, none have went to the extreme that this film did putting the viewer in uncomfortable territory but done so in a way the viewer would feel at ease.  With that being said, the film did attempt the psychological thriller angle for a small portion of the film with Harley’s dead friend Steve.  This portion almost ruined the film for me until I fully realized what they did.  This should have went another way but I do appreciate what they did.

Finally, this is not a blood and guts kind of movie.  This is a story rich film that does not go the horror route.  Overall, White Rabbit is a powerful film that deserves your time.   If you are looking for a film that will submerge you in story then please check it out.  I highly recommend this one!



(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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