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Berdella Review

Review by Nicki R

During the years of 1984 through 1988, serial killer Bob Berdella reined terror in Kansas City. He kidnapped, tortured and killed men to quench his sick and twisted desires.

Berdella, a film by  Paul South and William Taft, depicts the vicious nature and cruel acts of Bob Berdella. From the start the movie jumps into Berdella’s cycle of murders. There is no back story to give us a clue to what leads to the origins of his insanity. To the outside world, he’s a simple man that helps his community and works at a Flea Market. Only his victims knew his dark and demented side.

The torture Berdella inflicts on his victims is enough to make a person want to cringe. At one point we see the start-to-finish process on a victim and death was the only nice thing he performed.  It is also unsettling that “trophies” of Polaroids, skulls and written documentation is collected during each kill.

Seth Correa plays a convincing role as Berdella, his calming yet creepy tone, eerie persona and “don’t accept candy he may offer you” vibe is presented in a way where you know this guy has to be a little off in the head.

Though Bob Berdella’s name wouldn’t ring any bells within people outside of Kansas City, the movie is a straight forward portrayal of the shocking events that took place in the home of a suppressed serial killer.

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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