
Codex Atanicus- Carlos Atanes


Review by AngryPrincess

Metaminds + Metabodies, Morphing, and Welcome to Spain are three tales that grace this DVD and they are one spaced out trip you don’t want to miss. I am always searching for new ideas or different themes, nothing bores me more now a days like a well worn out zombie movie- it’s been done way to much and by to many different people, we need different! Thankfully these videos have nothing what so ever to do with anyone craving brains.

The first item on the menu is “Metaminds and Metabodies”- subtitles help guide you thru this freakish find of mine from Carlos Atanes. A man walks into a bar…wait a minute isn’t that the infamous opening to some drunken jokes? Well not in this case. The man sits down drinks himself sick and looks at Jesuita chained to the wall. Then he is offered a tumble with the woman with the forever waving tongue.

“Morfing” was watching a wild goose chase as the director and his new assistant search for funds and actors for his next film- unfortunately the poor guys got a reputation of being a cheap pig. The last gig on here is Welcome to Spain…Fast Fact: Welcome to Spain has been rejected from over 30 different film festivals from around the globe- that alone should tempt your curiosity killed the cat taste buds enough to purchase it! Come one come all to this twisted festival of fucked up fun!

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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